Took my daughter, Sarah, to college on Saturday. Helped move her into the dorm and get her settled in. This step in life has been a mixture of emotions.
On one hand I am so happy for Sarah. She is starting an adventure that is just the beginning of so many more adventures. There are so many new ideas, challenges, friends, etc ahead of her! And I am not really sad, as far as that goes, because I know that Sarah is a strong, confident, beautiful (both inside and out) woman who will do well in everything she takes on. Now I may be sad because I have had to let my first born go take on the world. She won’t be here at the house like she has been, daily living and being a part of the family in the way she has always been. The house will feel different without her here. Plus, in a way I will probably never have the little girl that was. Now she is a woman who is discovering all she can be, but not with the help from me like when she was little. When I could kiss her boo boos and they would be all better. Or she would crawl into my lap letting me read a book to her. Even when she was older and would come to me for advice or to talk about a boy she liked or problems with a friend.
Now she is independent and trying to figure these things out on her own. Or she has friends that she turns to. All this is how I raised her, or at least wanted to. To be able to take care of herself but know she can turn to her friends and family for anything she may need. I would not want her to NOT be independent.
So we took her to school and it was hard to leave. I did cry. It is going to be hard to not be a part of her daily life. I have to let go and let her make the decisions she needs to make and then live with any of those decisions, both good and bad. Just the first part of being on her own. Later that night we were with some friends enjoying the evening, sitting outside. There was a full moon. It really was a perfect night. I just looked up at the moon and knew that everything was going to be alright. I did what I could as a mother and now with God’s help, she will make it as a independent woman.
Now I know I will always be in her life. I hope she will come to me when she has to make decisions. But now it will be more in a sit back and listen mode. She knows what she wants and all I can offer is what I have experienced. She will always be my beautiful daughter, my little girl, my love. That will Never change. And I am looking forward to watching her grow and learn and struggle and love.
It is just a different chapter in our lives. Because she will always be a part of our lives. Talking to other people, they make it sound like we will now not be in her life or that she is “gone”. I don’t think that. She is still here, in our hearts and on our minds. We just get to meet her at a different level. As an adult. Now that sounds exciting to me!!
Of course I just turned 50 and that has its own ramifications! I am at a different stage in my life also! Kinda funny. I turned 50, so that is my own crossroad. My oldest daughter is just starting college and that is her crossroad and my youngest daughter is starting high school and that is her crossroad, plus she gets to this crossroad almost like an only child (at home). So we all have new and exciting happenings in our lives. We just need to stick together and be here for each other and we will all make it!!
Life is good!!
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